Armour Astir 1.0!

It's been a long time coming, but Armour Astir: Advent is finally reaching a 1.0 release! Bringing it into this final station are a swathe of changes to the Conflict Turn, moving it away from the token-based system to something more straightforward. Some minor additional changes supplement these: check the update notes for more details.


Armour Astir: Advent 80 MB
Feb 20, 2022
Free Version & Play Materials 22 MB
Feb 20, 2022

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Fantastic. I did some huge sponsorship for the game, mainly as Reddit recommendations, during those months.
I hope the word is spreading, you totally deserve it. You built a good project, and you cared for it all along the way. I'm happy to see you reached a stable 1.0 version.
